Friday, 9 April 2010
Well the looking more like a girl for MrP had a fatal flaw- I meet him up at the stables after he has finished work so looked my normal scruffy self but with a bit of mascara on- oh well I tried.

I didn't make a huge effort on the life editing yesterday either- I did sort through the books, it was easy, mainly because I do want to keep most of them, but have decided to part with my cake decorating ones, a few horsey ones and some paperbacks that I'm probably never going to read. I will try harder- the ebay pile in the dining room is growing though! I just know I will feel better when it is sorted out.

I have been looking through some other blogs and have been inspired- so I am going to pinch some of their brilliant ideas- starting with a baking day every week- I adore baking- it is like therapy for me. Even while I am dieting we have been having a treat a week from the supermarket- how stupid am I? I am missing out on one of my favourite pastimes and still consuming the calories!! So watch this space- lots of lovely cakes on their way...

The other thing that struck me this morning is how sad the old hen house looks, stuck with all the junk behind the muck heap. (I made MrP take the chicken run down after the ferret incident it was too sad to see it there empty) I don't want to replace the chickens until we move really but while we are chook free it is a perfect time to give the hen house a make-over. So that when we do get them, a veritable hen palace will await them- I'm going to trawl the Internet for inspiration and Homebase for some new paint colours
I forgot to add to my blog yesterday the tomato news- so I will do it now- I was very late planting seeds this year - mainly due to being in Africa when I should have been planting. As this is the first year, since I can't remember when, that I have not had either a veg garden or allotment I decided I could at least grow a couple of tomato plants and a pot of salad leaves. My lovely tiny Italian tomato seedlings are just poking through- hurray!


driftwood said...

a baking day is a great tradition to start! love those butterfly cakes x

Simone said...

Hello Mrs P! Thank you for visiting my Linden Grove blog. I am glad that you feel inspired! I usually bake a cake on Friday but today was such a lovely day I spent it tidying up the garden instead! Have a lovely weekend. x

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